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by Orchid Singson

D.C. Series: Library of Congress

January 3, 2017
I just got back from Washington, D.C. a couple of days ago and I can't wait to post all of my photos from the trip! First up is the Library of Congress because it was definitely one of the highlights of the National Mall for me. There's so much Greek/Roman influence in the architecture (I was a Classics major in college, so this stuff is right up my alley haha). You can really see it in all of the facades and columns. There's even some text on the walls that use neoclassical Latin spelling (v's instead of u's).

As an added bonus, the Library of Congress is connected to the Capitol Building through a tunnel! I was able to just walk on over instead of having to stand in another long line. Expect more photos of that building and more in the near future!

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