Imagine my surprise last Friday when I came home to find a box of Cupcake Station cupcakes just patiently waiting for me in my mailbox! My amazing, amazing friend Mara sent them all the way from Michigan! She had told me about these cupcakes ages ago and I was so excited to have the chance to try them!
I don't even know how to begin to explain how delicious these cupcakes were. Each one was topped with a creamy butercream frosting and then dipped in chocolate! DIPPED. IN. CHOCOLATE. Sigh. I'm missing them already.
Mara, thank you again for sending these over! It was seriously the best surprise ever! And you were totally right. The cupcakes tasted amazing! :)
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I love the photos - so beautiful in their simplicity! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them (but of course, who am I kidding - I knew you would!), and it makes me smile to imagine the expression on your face when you found CUPCAKES sitting in your mailbox :D
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