I spent my third day in Paris exploring a couple of museums in the 7th and 8th arrondissements. My first stop was the Rodin Museum. The artwork is housed inside of a beautiful mansion! And just outside of the mansion are gardens filled with tree-lined walkways and even more sculptures. There's also a cafe located on the property, so the museum is definitely a good place to spend a couple of hours and grab lunch.
A few other stories:
+ The woman standing in front of me in the ticket line turned out to be from Seattle. At first she thought I was a Parisian and said that my English sounded really good! Ha! After talking to her for a few minutes, I found out that her daughter lives in Los Angeles, so she knew what I was talking about when I mentioned the heat wave. PS I hope all of you guys aren't melting over there!
+ I'm the pickiest eater in the world and since I still have trouble reading French labels, my go-to key word is "poulet" (chicken). As long as the food label has that word in it, I'll eat it. This came in handy at the cafe when I couldn't tell what was in any of the sandwiches.
+ I officially love riding the metro! It's so convenient to get around the city and no matter where you are, there's ALWAYS a metro stop nearby. I'm saving all of my tickets as souvenirs :)
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