Let me start this off by stating that I am an LA County Fair kind of girl. I go multiple times every year during its run and hold A LOT of favoritism towards it. But yesterday, I had the opportunity to go to the OC Fair for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised! First of all, the deals were just incredible! I only spent a total of $25!
$4 round trip bus fare
$3 admission
$2 crepe sample
$2 deep-fried oreos
$2 corn on the cob
$2 smoothie sample
$10 hot dog - I could've lived off of all of the $2 food deals, but I LOVE Pink's hot dogs!
So yes, I pretty much ate my way through the entire fair and it was amazing! But besides that, I really enjoyed all of the exhibits, particularly their enormous photography gallery (sorry LA county, but they've got you beat on this one), all of the well-decorated (and mouth-watering) food displays, and their gorgeous flower collections. The OC Fair runs until August 10th, so if you get the chance to go I'd highly recommend taking the OC Fair Express to save on money (and gas!). Enjoy all of those deep-fried goodies! :)
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