REI launched an amazing campaign this holiday season called #OptOutside. It basically encouraged people to head outdoors on Black Friday, rather than spend the day shopping. I think that a lot of people would agree that Thanksgiving has become way too commercialized, and as a former retail worker, I truly appreciated the idea of stores remaining closed so that employees could actually spend the holidays with their families. I sincerely hope that more companies adopt this model next year.
So on Friday, I decided to head up to Oak Glen to check out their annual apple butter festival (more on that later this week). These photos were shot at the Oak Glen Preserve which is right next to the Riley's at Los Rios Rancho apple farm. The Wildlands Conservancy maintains a number of easy walking trails that allow you to explore all of the plant life within the preserve.
I really wanted to keep walking past the lake, but by the time I reached it, I was freezing my hands off! You can't tell in the photos, but there was a light snow falling the entire time I was there! Brr! Despite the low temperatures, it was definitely worth it to spend the day after Thanksgiving outside in fresh air. I'm hoping to make #OptOutside a yearly tradition.
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