Have you ever purchased a Japanese fortune before? Because I did, last week at the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco. I thought that it would be as simple as choosing a piece of paper (there was a little tree with papers tied to it outside of the gift shop), but boy was I wrong.
After receiving my payment of $2 (not a bad price), the woman behind the cash register pulled out a container filled with sticks. She started shaking it and told me to focus all of my energy towards it. Then I had to choose a stick. Each one had a number that corresponded to a certain fortune. The woman handed me a folded piece of paper and told me that I had to read it before leaving the garden. If I didn't like it (apparently some of them can be bad), all I had to do was tie it to the tree that I saw outside. You essentially have the choice of accepting your fortune or leaving it behind, which I thought was pretty cool! I ended up keeping mine. Here's what part of it said:
General Luck | Excellent - A new kind of opportunity or idea grows within you. It's best to discuss these ideas with your friends and through these interactions your idea will continue to grow and you'll have a better grasp of what you want to do with it.
Here's a short video clip from my visit:
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